An Ophthalmologist (eye specialist) is a medical doctor with additional specialised training in all aspects of eye care – medical, surgical and optical.
Visual acuity refers to the ability to discern fine visual detail. The distance for testing the eye is 6 metres or 20 feet.
At around age 45, our eyes let us know they’re starting to grow old – we say “our arms are not long enough” and we get reading glasses to correct the presbyopia.
Understanding how the eye works is the first step in trying to understand eye diseases. The eye is a wonderfully efficient and complex part of the body.
Medical records at a large university Headache Centre revealed that only 1% of headaches were caused by eye problems.
Eyeglass lenses do not strengthen your eyes, they focus the light rays for a clearer image.
Parents may sometimes think their child is lazy or has a low I.Q. because of poor school work or trouble in learning to read or to spell.
The following symptoms may indicate a serious eye disease: light flashes, floaters, pain in or around the eye, sensitivity to bright light and blurred vision.